FIC Monterrey invites you to Cinema in the park

The 11th FIC Monterrey, Cine en el parque and Videodromo kindly invite you to enjoy the best of the national and international cinema in Monterrey.

As a previous activity to our eleventh edition, we will be screening along with Cine en el parque, a selection of the best films that have been part of the history of the Monterrey IFF.

We start with “Flores para el soldado”, by Francisco Javier Garza.

Date: May 26th 2015

Time: 20:30 hrs.

Venue: Tec de Monterrey, campus Monterrey. Jardín de las Carreras

Free admission

You can watch the trailer here:

Soon we will be announcing the following functions. Meanwhile, here you can see the list of movies and its trailers.

Preludio by Eduardo Lucatero

En Terrains Connus, by Stéphane Lafleur

La danza del hipocampo, by Gabriela Domínguez


Adiós mundo cruel, by Jack Zagha



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